Date: July 28, 2015 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Venue: L9-53, 9/F, Department of Surgery, Laboratory Block, 21 Sassoon Road, The University of Hong Kong

~ Public Seminar ~
Building a molecular encyclopedia of the liver - liver disease and single cell RNA-sequencing. (Seminar in English)
Professor Urban Lendahl
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) Karolinska Institute, Sweden
HKU Distinguished Visiting Professor
The University of Hong Kong
About the speaker
Bornin Stockholm in 1957, Urban Lendahl studied biology at Stockholm Universityfrom 1978-1982, specializing in molecular biology. After earning his PhD at theKarolinska Institute in 1987 (with Professor Lars Wieslander as advisor), Lendahl was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT 1987-1989 with Professor Ron McKay asmentor. After returning to the Karolinska Institute, Lendahl became Professorof Genetics in 1997. Lendahl is a member of the Nobel Assembly for Physiologyor Medicine since 2001, and is during 2012 Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine. Lendahl’s research is focused on developmental biology, stem cells and intracellular signaling pathways, notably the Notch signalingpathway.
Lendahl has served as head of the review committee at the Human Frontiers ScienceFoundation, and serves at evaluation committees at the Swedish Research Counciland the Swedish Cancer Society. Lendahl is currently director of three research centers in stem cell research and regenerative medicine: DBRM (, StratRegen and WIRM (the Wallenberg Institute for Regenerative Medicine). Lendahl holds since 2010 a Distinguished Professor Award at the KarolinskaInstitute, is Editor-in-Chief for the journal Experimental Cell Research and isa Member of the Board of Trustees for the Koerber European Science Award. Lendahl is since January 1, 2015, Secretary General for the Nobel Assembly atthe Karolinska Institute. He is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Hong Kong and one of the executive committee members of Dr. Li Dak-Sum Research Centre.
For enquiries, please contact Dr Thomas LEON at +852 2859 2721 or