Grants, Awards & Other Outputs
Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
General Research Fund (GRF)
Collaborative Research Fund (CRF)
Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF)
Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS)
Commissioned Paediatric Research at Hong Kong Children's Hospital
Vincent LUI, Rosana OTTAKANDATHIL BABU, Paul TAM, Amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its processed forms as novel diagnostic markers, prognostic markers and therapeutic targets for biliary atresia, US Provisional Patent (IP00816; Pub. No.: US 2022/0065871 A1, 2022)
Vincent LUI, Haibing YUE, Paul TAM, In vitro Liver Organoids and Mini-bile Duct models of Biliary Artresia and Applications thereof. US Patent (Application No. 17/573,371, 2022)
Chi Hang LUI, Rosanna O. BABU, Paul Kwong Hang TAM, Amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its processed forms as novel diagnostic markers, prognostic markers and therapeutic targets for biliary atresia, Provisional US Patent, Filed in January 2018, Application No. 62/798,229
Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU, 2021 (Awardee: Dr. Vincent LUI)
Award of the 11th Round TRS, of which project entitled "Translating Disease-Mechanism Discoveries to Improve Treatment of Biliary Atresia, an Intractable Newborn Liver Disease" (Awardee: Professor Paul TAM and Dr. Vincent LUI)
Birth of the first human BA organoids-hinting on the aetiology and disease progression of isolated biliary atresia?” BAPS Basic Science Prize at the 64th Annual Internal Congress Meeting, 19-21 July 2017 in London, UK. (Awardee: Dr. Vincent LUI)
Oral Presentations in Conference
BABU RO, WONG KKY, CHUNG PHY, LENDAHL U, TAM PKH, LUI VCH, Single-cell transcriptomics identifies novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets in biliary atresia, British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS) Congress 2021, Jul 2021
LUI VCH, Human liver organoids for the analysis of biliary atresia, May 2018, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Invited lecture)
LUI VCH, 兒童膽道閉鎖的功能基因組學及類器官研究, Mar 2018, 上海復旦大學附屬兒科醫院, Shanghai, China (Invited lecture)
YIU RSM, LUI VCH, Wong KKY, CHUNG PHY, LENDAHL U, TAM PKH, Birth of the first "human BA organoids"- hinting on the aetiology and disease progression of isolated biliary atresia?, 64th British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS) and 26th International Pediatric Endosurgery Group (IPEG) Annual Conference, Jul 2017, London, The United Kingdom, The presentation received Peter Paul Rickham Prize for outstanding science
LUI VCH, Decoding Biliary Atresia, Jun – Jul 2017, Tianjin Children’s Hospital, Tianjin, China (Invited lecture)